最新消息|麓湖竹隐园获2018英国国家景观奖 (BALI )
近日,英国景观行业协会(British Association of Landscape Industries,简称BALI)公布了2018年度国家景观奖(BALI National Landscape Awards)的获奖名单。成都麓湖竹隐园项目荣获本届的国际奖(International Awards)。
The standard of the entries submitted this year has been phenomenal. The adjudicators spent three long days here at Landscape House reviewing all the entries and ultimately agreeing the winners in each category. As a winner in the International Award category you have demonstrated exemplary standards of professional excellence which is a tremendous achievement. All the team at Landscape House congratulate you and your team on your fantastic accomplishment.
The purpose of the BALI Awards is two-fold: firstly, to encourage our members to continually strive for excellence and, once achieved, have that achievement recognised by the wider industry; and secondly, to promote beyond the industry the outstanding work undertaken by BALI member’s year on year. Winning a BALI National Landscape Award is not only hugely motivating for those involved but it is also a very effective marketing tool when promoted on your website and through the local, national and trade media. Please do ensure you use this as a marketing opportunity to share your success.
Δ 竹隐园区位图
Δ 竹隐园平面图
Δ 蜿蜒于竹林的小径与溪水之上的折桥,在疏密有致的空间变化中产生节奏感,于城市的繁华与归隐的闲适之间,找到平衡点
Δ 禅意的竹舍旁几株红枫点缀在绿竹之间,使竹隐园四季之景皆有不同
Δ 坐于竹舍中读书品茗,四时之景皆入眼帘
Bamboo Garden is a serene, peaceful, contemporary garden steeped in local tradition amidst a private community of five large housing clusters in the busy, heavily urbanized Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Prior to revitalization, the space was derelict, underutilized, and overgrown. The new design included lush plantings and recreational facilities that compliment the existing bamboo and red stone on site.
Δ 竹隐园入口处的标识(设计师陈跃中题写)
Bamboo is a revered species, native to Chengdu, so it is central to the design. Residents and visitors may enter via uniquely designed pedestrian pathways from the residential areas on four sides of the park. Bamboo Garden also implemented creative solutions for water management and offers residents of the community a tranquil and dynamic environment in which to enjoy nature and neighbors.
Δ 溪水潺潺,绿草茵茵
Δ 入口竹林区平面图
Δ 茂密的竹林将尘世的喧嚣隔离在外,沿着长长的石径进入隐秘的世外仙境
Native grasses, wildflowers and various plantings line rustic stairways that bring residents into the park. The slightly, purposely overgrown path lets residents brush past and touch the plants as they stroll by and discover the garden, creating a fully sensory experience, connecting residents to the land and natural environment in the middle of a sprawling urban setting. The lush greenery and bamboo are natural air purifiers, so residents, and the growing number of visitors from Sichuan, can also enjoy cleaner air within the park, sheltered from the ever-present air pollution of the city.
Δ 竹林中的栈道并没有破坏场地中的竹子,而是为其留出了生长空间,行人在竹林间穿身而过便能体会到“源于自然,归于自然”的简素之美
Δ 茶庭区平面图
Δ 亭中可观景,景中有竹亭
The Bamboo Garden creates a much-needed indoor-outdoor living room experience for residents and guests. Modernist bamboo pavilions, dappled in light, nestled among the bamboo forest and placed along the boardwalk surrounding the waterways provide shade and shelter from the weather. Reflections from the nearby pools illuminate the bamboo structures. Amidst these beautiful surroundings, residents find a tranquil space to commune to play chess, drink tea, and socialize. Plantings of native shrubs and ferns preserve and support the growing bamboo and the pavilions.
Δ 茶亭与梯田式的台地景观遥遥相对,坐于亭中便能体会归园田居之感
Δ 竹舍设计体现了禅意与现代审美的融合
Δ 亭内聚知己,茶亭也可以作为市民活动的场所
Δ 茶亭临于水上,与大片青翠的竹林融为一体,设计不是为了支配自然,而是为了与自然共生
Δ 水景区平面图
Δ 绿水桥平,九曲桥落于水上为人们提供亲水空间
Water management was a prime focus and became a focal point of the garden, in both form and function. The existing natural elevation allowed for design of cascading waterscapes and brooks to utilize the water runoff, directing flow into a large central lake. A series of terraced waterfalls and ponds allow rainwater collected from the street above to be filtered by aquatic plants before becoming part of the park’s overall water feature system and aesthetic. The aquatic plants form an inviting habitat for frogs, which help to mitigate the number of mosquitos during the summer months- a tangible benefit of enhancing the natural environment. The storm water management system is both effective and attractive.
Δ 走在九曲桥上仿佛踏云而行
The cascading waterfalls generate a natural mist that creates an illusion reminiscent of an ancient Chinese painting. To further emphasize this effect, the terraced pools and waterfalls incorporate fountain misters, enhancing the naturally forming ground fog that shrouds the landscape in an ethereal spray.
Δ 竹舍在雾气中宛若仙境
Δ 场地中的红石与水景相融
A natural large outcrop of visually striking red stone is an integral common thread throughout the park. The rock, bamboo and native plantings create a strong connection, via a visual link, to the land on which residents and visitors from Sichuan live.
Δ 窗中看竹景,在茶亭中可以静静地欣赏园内的美景
Residents and visitors enjoy this unique green space in Chengdu. The inventive design makes the space lively and vibrant. People delight in taking bamboo forest walks, playing chess, having tea in charming bamboo tea houses, and practicing yoga, meditation and Tai Chi throughout the park. With a design incorporating a poetic combination of nature, culture and people, the green infrastructure of the Bamboo Garden will serve the community and the greater city’s population for generations to come.
编辑 \ LMeng
About us | 易兰规划设计院
易兰规划设计院是一家综合性工程设计机构,具有中国城乡规划甲级资质、建筑工程甲级资质和风景园林甲级资质,并获得了ISO 9001质量管理体系认证证书。主要从事城乡规划、建筑设计、旅游规划、景观设计及生态环境修复规划设计等专业服务,擅长城市中心区规划、大型旅游度假区、文化科技产业园、公园及风景区规划以及高端住宅区等类型项目的设计工作。依托资深的专业知识和多年的行业经验,与众多客户进行合作,实践项目遍布各地。